Tuesday, March 27, 2007

the beginning is the end.

i've more or less become an addict of the blogosphere, and like any addict, i've decided to get in on the game. i'm surprised it didn't happen sooner, really, and all that i can hope is that it doesn't turn out like one of the thousands of law&order episodes in which the addict ends up dead in a gutter or in a bathtub filled with lye. i like to think i've a taste for the obscure kernel of humor in law school - it's kind of like a love of single.malt scotch: difficult to cultivate, absolutely useless, and more or less detrimental to your health.

that said, here's to an adventure. as if you needed any other reason to ignore class.

1 comment:

Erik said...

I accept every reason possible to ignore classes. Welcome aboard.