Thursday, March 29, 2007

iran - amalek?

this iranian hostage situation is more than a little disturbing, for a host of reasons. primarily, it shows that the iranian government [ i refuse to say his name, may it be erased ] is not as stupid as i'd previously hoped.

assume that britain and america threaten the use of force - iran looks maligned to the great majority of the arab public. assume that britain and america do nothing, go to the united nations for help [ the same as doing nothing only with a patina of legitimacy ], then iran has achieved an even more insidious goal: they've asserted strength in the face of the "western evil."

furthermore, the lone female soldier has ostensibly been releasing anti-war letters from her imprisonment. if she's writing those letters of her own free will, then that's her prerogative, although she probably could have picked better timing and definitely a better medium than letters sent through iranian diplomats. if she's being forced to write those letters, then i can only imagine what else is in store.

i'll add more to this later as things develop. outside input is appreciated - because it takes the combined brainpower of about eighteen people to even begin to piece together the middle eastern dynamic.

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